What we do and Why we do it
So you are purchasing a house and your agent reminds you that you should get a home inspection. Sounds like a smart thing to do; but have you ever thought about exactly what all goes into a home inspection and what separates a good inspection from one that is lacking?
Using a tree as an image is a good example to describe the inspection process.
root system
The roots at the base of the tree feed the tree in the same way that the inspector's dedication, passion, and tenacity feed the inspection process. A tree will not thrive without a good root system & a home inspection will never be comprehensive if the inspector is not dedicated, passionate, and tenacious.
At Focused Realty Inspections we love our work & even after doing multiple inspections in a day we take the time to walk around a home & explain everything to you, our clients. For us, Why is simple: We love serving people & educating them on the house they want to make their home.
the trunk
The trunk is the strong backbone of the tree. This is where the inspector's skill set, training, experience, discernment & knowledge reside. A tree will not stand strong and tall through the seasons without a solid trunk in the same way that an inspection will not be complete and robust without an experienced, discerning and knowledgeable inspector.
the branches
From that trunk grow all the limbs & branches. One of the main branches would be the roof, while another would be the foundation and another the electrical systems. What condition are these different branches in? Is it working & safe for everyone? This is how we look at everything in your home and pull the facts to give you in our comprehensive reports. The branches of the tree are the different components of the inspection. Our goal is not to tell you that all of the components of the house are in excellent condition. Our goal to tell you exactly what condition all of the components are in. We focus and work very hard to make sure you are completely informed of your new home, whatever condition it may be in.
the tree
In the end, in place of a beautiful tree, you have a comprehensive home inspection. We focus to make it a benchmark report for you. Built on the inspector’s knowledge, experience, tenacity and passion, the inspection is performed for you with a smile.
If you want a great experience, give us a call, send us an email, or simply submit a request for an inspection online and we will get back with you promptly.